Monday, October 17, 2011

You had me at warm bacon dressing...

I am STILL obsessed with the food truck y'all!

Recently, the food trucks around town have been the subject of a news story because one of the vendors in my building thinks it's unfair that they roll down here and feed us awesome food.

Whatev, haven't we been around this block before. Didn't the food trucks win?

I personally think it's unfair what this woman is doing to the name of Mexican-ish food. THAT is why no one eats at your janky taco stand.

/end rant.

I have enough faith in SpoonFed Grill to order new items off of their ever-changing menu. They've never done me wrong. I am also a sucker for the power of suggestion and when I see a tweet about a new item or I am suggested it I'll order it. I am weak.

Today I tried a spinach salad with roasted spaghetti squash, tomatoes, chicken, feta cheese and warm bacon dressing. Oh snap. Warm. Bacon. Dressing.

As with everything else I've ever had from them I was not disappointed!

I'm going to take a nap under my desk now :)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Fruit Salsa

This is one of my favorite things to bring to any family or friend function. I've even made it for my girlfriends on our weekly TV watching night! It's so quick and easy to make and a very healthy alternative to some of your other party foods.

I came up with this idea a couple of years ago for one of our football parties. I wanted to bring something sweet but healthy. The thought of fruit salsa just sprung into my head. I wandered through the grocery store and picked out a bunch of fruit I thought would go well together.

Fuji apples
Lemon juice

Oh yea.

I just chopped everything with my Pampered Chef hand chopper and threw it into a bowl.
That's it.
No extra sugar.

I used to be all fancy and make my own cinnamon chips to eat with it. Plain flour tortillas cut into about inch wide strips, sprayed a little Pam on them to make the cinnamon sugar stick and baked on a cookie sheet at 350 until golden. You have to watch them carefully though!  I've since become lazy and I now grab a couple of bags of Stacy's Cinnamon Sugar Pita Chips.

People rave about how awesome this is ans it's so amazingly easy! Make a batch for your next gathering! People will rave about your skills too ;)

Adventures in mockery

Long time no food blog!!

It wasn't until tonight when I made this massive comment on facebook about this quesedilla that I said "dammit, that was like, a blog post."

Sooo my favorite local Birmingham food truck the SpoonFed Grill took their apple cranberry quesedilla off of their menu some time ago and I find myself thinking about it and its tangy goat cheese deliciousness quite often. I'm sure they'd probably whip me one up if I asked real nice but I was also sure I could make one for myself.

So I did.

This hit my craving upon it's head and drug it into a shallow grave. I'm sure my ol craving will zombify itself and I will make more because this was delicious and easy as hell.

I didn't know exactly how they make this but I knew what it was constructed of.

Jack cheese
Goat cheese

Yay. Seemed easy enough.

I omitted the onions. I hate onions.

Wait, come to think of it this may not have onions on it for reals. I dunno.. whatevs.

So I pretty much just threw some chicken in a skillet with some olive oil. When it was half way cooked I added some apples and craisins and a sprinkle of cinnamon (I know there's some cinnamon in theirs). I cooked that until the chicken was done, apples soft and craisins plump.

Then I piled some jack cheese onto a tomato wrap, added my chicken mix and a generous amout of goat cheese (mmmmm goat cheese). Fold and cook until everythings all melty on the inside crispy on the outside.

Serve with sour cream.


This took no time to cook up and I'm pretty sure the truck probably cooks their apples separate I dunno, I'm pretty lazy I like my shortcut ways lol.