So things have changed in my life and with the help of Weight Watchers I'm choosing to eat better things and make better decisions with food. I've learned a lot! I feel great! I'm also down 10 whole lbs! Woop woop!
So you may not see anymore chili bacon cheese burgers around here (I don't think I've ever eaten such a thing, but it sounds delicious haha!). I hope to share recipes and adaptations of foods to fit a healthier diet! Real foods that don't come frozen in a box (I don't believe in those things, if you're into them heateatreview.com is an awesome little site about them!). I'll also continue to dine out from time to time and I hope to share meals I get on the go that are a better option from the norm.
Now I'm no inspiration for health here, but I do what I can do. Hopefully I can show people that little changes can make a world of difference!
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